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Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012 Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen
Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen
Cascadia Ruby 2013 Fluent Refactoring by Sam Livingston-Gray
Therapeutic refactoring and polishing of a feature.
LoneStarRuby Conf 2013 - Hacking Passion by Katrina Owens
loneStarRuby Conf 2013 - Fluent Refactoring by Sam Livingston-Gray
Katrina Owen - Overkill - Ancient City Ruby 2014
Keep Ruby Weird 2016 - Keynote: Cultivating Instinct by Katrina Owen
Cascadia Ruby Conf 2011 - 60 to 0 mph in 2 5 seconds a retrospective by Jim Remsik
Baruco 2013: Here Be Dragons, by Katrina Owen
BathRuby 2015 - Here Be Dragons
LA Ruby Conf 2014 - Refactoring Your Team For Fun and Profit by Aaron Harpole